Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DeMichelle's Challenge!

So long time no post (especially since I moved all the blogs over!)!

I was up at Donna's cabin today so I took the liberty of standing on the scale...drumroll please...... I currently weigh 136lbs. YUCK! For my height this is NO Bueno! This means I literally need to lose 25 pounds to be in the healthy weight range for my height of 4'11. I should weigh between 110-115. And I'm actually fine weighing 120 if I can have a good bit of muscle...without looking ridiculous of course! 

So 25 pounds to lose, where to start??? Well, just in the last week or so, De, sent out an email about a fitness challenge she is starting on June 1st, I definitely want in! I am going to HOPEFULLY purchase the Insanity work out program (LOVE!), but Tim and I need to discuss it first since that really isn't in the budget. However, not working at a company that has a gym and not having Strick in daycare kind of lessens my opportunities to go to a gym without paying a hefty childcare fee somewhere! Shaun T's program is a 60 day program and I definitely want to do it for sixty days! De's challenge is for 90, but I'm hoping to be super tone by then ;)

I will post my measurements on June 1st (EEK) for some accountability along the way! I'll have some before pictures too... here are some from our spring session (mental note, rhinoplasty may be in my future!) In this picture, you can see how "round" my face is, not as in face shape, but plumpy-ness ;) as well as how my arms could definitely use some working out, my belly is hidding pretty well by my dress ;)

In this one you can see a bit of my belly pudge, semi-hidden because I am in a dress but it's there...

So, lots of room for improvement for myself! I am ready to be healthier and more fit! Then whenever we have Baby #2 I'll be real healthy, hopefully stay healthy during my pregnancy and it won't be harder the second go round to lose the weight & tone up!

Ok, that is all for now! Be sure and visit DeMichelle's Beachbody website here.